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$12,698 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
On May 17th, 2020 heavy rain started to pour over the Midland area. The rains brought severe flooding and swelled the local lakes and rivers causing dam failures. Over 10,000 area residents had to be evacuated, many in the middle of the night. The region is responding to bridge and road wash outs, homes that are flooded or in total loss. Many people lost their home completely as the waters washed it away or caused such structural damage it is not repairable. Many will have home repairs for months to come.
Midland County Habitat for Humanity (MCHFH) knows the importance of home. And not just home, but a safe, stable place to call home. Many in the community have asked how they can help MCHFH address the home repair needs of those in the community and have asked to support those efforts. We are working in partnership with the Midland Area Community Foundation and United Way of Midland County. If you would like to support the flood efforts of those organization you can donate here.
If you would like to designate funds directly to the repair of homes affected by the flood, MCHFH works with individuals who are in the 30% - 60% area median income that own their homes. We have a fund that will be specifically designated for the 2020 flood repair.