ReStore Shopping

June 1, 2020 @ 9:00AM — June 13, 2020 @ 3:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Come shop the ReStore by appointment

ReStore Shopping image

Register to Shop

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


We are happy to announce that the ReStore is opening back up for business on Monday, June 1, 2020!

Due to Executive Order 2020-97, the following changes will be in place at the time of our opening:

1-A maximum of 10 customers will be allowed in the store at any time and all customers MUST make an APPOINTMENT to be in the store. Appointment times will be set for one-hour intervals, and will be strictly adhered and enforced. If you are coming as a couple, make sure you sign up for two appointment slots at the same time. Appointments can be made NO DROP IN SHOPPING TEMPORARILY.

2-Aisles are marked as one way to limit social distancing

3- All customers are required to wear a mask while inside the facility and practice social distancing; we will have disposable masks for sale at $1.00 ea. if you do not have one.

4-The store will accept donations beginning ½ hour after opening and up to ½ hour prior to closing. Donations will only be accepted at the storage container, not in store. If you have large items you are bringing in, please call ahead to ensure we have space for the donation.

5-No one under the age of 16 is allowed inside the store until further notice.

6-No public restroom use will be allowed during our modified schedule.

7-The ReStore will be closed from 12:00-1:00 each day for staff lunches and sanitizing of carts, doors handles, etc.

8-Customers agree to follow all signage as to use of one-way aisles, social distancing and donning of masks

9-A copy of our cleaning protocols is posted on the board at entry for your review.

10-Hand sanitizer will be available for use, located at the entrance to the store.

11-The ReStore will not be scheduling any pick ups for the entire month of June, and any update to this policy will be announced on Facebook.

Please bare with us as we transition slowly to a more normal operation. Sign up today and we will see you Monday morning!


On Thursday, June 4th the ReStore will be open to the public and no appointment will be necessary. Please join us as we open at 25% capacity per Gov. Whitmer's executive order.